Master Server

Wszystko po 4,50 [01m 04s]

Alien base - 3 Teams (Free for All)

Team 1

 (H) AntonioPLAmericanLoss (OW Closed)

Team 2

 ThorgallAmericanLoss (OW Closed)

Team 3

 (S) BjumoSpectator
 (S) ||||Spectator
 (S) AnarchySpectator
Base Level: Fortified
Amount of People: 12
Skill Level: Little experienced
Starting Resources: Medium
Shipments Density: Medium
Extra Oil deposits: Normal
Extra Siberite deposits: None
Shared Vision: Yes
Morale Flags: Slowly Decreasing
Siberite detection: Researched
People Respawning: Rare
Amount of Apemen: Medium
Siberite Bomb: Allowed
Build Up Time: 5 Minutes
Game Rules: Clan Base
Tech Level: Final Countdown

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