Master Server

Match History

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  ó³¿Bizacz vs   (H) AntonioPL vs   AreXxX | twitch.tv/a,   (S) Yamaha4Free
Alien base - 3 Teams (Free for All)
Finished2.0.6.13231st January, 2018, 7:20 pm
[OWN] Alien Base
  (HS) SERVER,   Patrice Cyrille vs   dvoorak
Alien base - 3 Teams (Free for All)
Finished2.0.6.13231st January, 2018, 7:11 pm
  nippel.k vs   (H) pascal_renfer
Bloody Valley (Simple) - 4 Teams (Free for All)
Finished2.0.6.13231st January, 2018, 4:37 pm
  Alert vs   (H) Axpilot
Alien base - Alternating teams
Finished2.0.6.13231st January, 2018, 3:57 pm
  Spasly Elf,   (H) Jebany Mikolaj
Prohibited area - Cooperative
Finished2.0.6.13231st January, 2018, 3:03 pm
  Spasly Elf,   (H) Jebany Mikolaj
Prohibited area - Cooperative
Finished2.0.6.13231st January, 2018, 2:47 pm
[OWN] Alien Base CB
  (HS) SERVER vs   Mordorin - Hellcase. vs   TrendsetterCZ - Hell
Alien base - 3 Teams (Free for All)
Ongoing2.0.6.13231st January, 2018, 1:10 pm
[OWN] Alien Base
  Czy¿a,   (HS) SERVER vs   KaBooooom vs   Strugi
Alien base - 3 Teams (Free for All)
Finished2.0.6.13231st January, 2018, 12:59 pm
  nippel.k vs   (H) pascal_renfer
The Abbys (Simple) - 4 Teams (Free for All)
Finished2.0.6.13231st January, 2018, 11:35 am
  nippel.k vs   (H) pascal_renfer
Rocky Pass (Simple) - 6 Teams (Free for All)
Ongoing2.0.6.13231st January, 2018, 7:52 am
  survaiwor,   (H) Juras
Football - Football
Ongoing2.0.6.13231st January, 2018, 12:54 am
  (H) Juras,   survaiwor
The Abyss - Annihilate the Enemy
Finished2.0.6.13231st January, 2018, 12:17 am
  survaiwor,   (H) Juras
Bastard Pass - For the People
Finished2.0.6.13231st January, 2018, 12:08 am
[OWN] Alien Base
  (HS) SERVER vs   ALUMINIUM4 vs   XmanBeast
Alien base - 3 Teams (Free for All)
Finished2.0.6.13230th January, 2018, 11:23 pm
[OWN] Alien Base CB
  (HS) SERVER vs   _*_*_Armored_Samurai vs   ttttt
Alien base - 3 Teams (Free for All)
Finished2.0.6.13230th January, 2018, 9:11 pm
  Megauto,   (H) Sali
Deep Forest - Cooperative
Finished2.0.6.13530th January, 2018, 8:16 pm
  Megauto,   (H) Sali
Silent Hill - fireteam
Finished2.0.6.13530th January, 2018, 7:46 pm
  (H) Saint Thomas D'Aquin,   (C) COMP0 and (C) COMP1 and (C) COMP2 and (C) COMP3 and (C) COMP4 and (C) COMP5 and (C) COMP6
Muddy River - Cooperative
Finished2.0.6.13230th January, 2018, 5:23 pm
  nippel.k vs   (H) pascal_renfer
Flags (Simple) - 8 Teams (Free for All)
Finished2.0.6.13230th January, 2018, 4:49 pm
  œMarszal,   (H) Shoot
New End - Cooperatio
Finished2.0.6.13230th January, 2018, 3:35 pm
  nippel.k vs   (H) pascal_renfer
River Of Lost Souls (Simple) - 4 Teams (Free for All)
Finished2.0.6.13230th January, 2018, 3:34 pm
  ¿marszal1802,   (H) Shoot
Breaking Through Co-op - Cooperatio
Finished2.0.6.13230th January, 2018, 3:30 pm
[OWN] Alien Base CB
  ³kamilczyzewski,   (HS) SERVER vs   (S) Shoot vs   God D. Apo
Alien base - 3 Teams (Free for All)
Finished2.0.6.13230th January, 2018, 3:20 pm
[OWN] Alien Base CB
  (HS) SERVER,   kamilczyzewski vs   God D. Apo
Alien base - 3 Teams (Free for All)
Finished2.0.6.13230th January, 2018, 3:15 pm
Saint Thomas D'Aquin
  (C) COMP0 and (C) COMP1 and (C) COMP2 and (C) COMP3 and (C) COMP4 and (C) COMP5 and (C) COMP6 and (C) COMP7 and (C) COMP8 and (C) COMP9,   (C) COMP10,   (H) Saint Thomas D'Aquin
Return to New Kabul - Cooperative
Finished2.0.6.13230th January, 2018, 3:10 pm
  Majster,   (H) filip
Bloody Valley - Free for All
Finished2.0.6.13230th January, 2018, 2:59 pm
  (H) Saint Thomas D'Aquin and (C) COMP0 and (C) COMP1 and (C) COMP2
Return to New Kabul - Cooperative
Finished2.0.6.13230th January, 2018, 2:49 pm
Majsterinho room
  wiktor vs   (H) Majster
Alien base - 3 Teams (Free for All)
Finished2.0.6.13230th January, 2018, 11:21 am
  (H) nippel.k vs   pascal_renfer
ForestLand (Simple) - 4 Teams (Free for All)
Finished2.0.6.13230th January, 2018, 11:13 am
  (H) Jebany Mikolaj,   Spasly Elf
Prohibited area - Cooperative
Finished2.0.6.13230th January, 2018, 10:44 am
  nippel.k vs   (H) pascal_renfer
Table Mountain (Simple) - 4 Teams (Free for All)
Finished2.0.6.13230th January, 2018, 10:41 am
  (H) pascal_renfer vs   nippel.k
Siberia (Simple) - 6 Teams (Free for All)
Finished2.0.6.13230th January, 2018, 8:07 am
Majsterinho room
  wiktor vs   (H) Majster
Alien base - 3 Teams (Free for All)
Finished2.0.6.13229th January, 2018, 10:40 pm
  (H) AntonioPL vs   ALUMINIUM4
Alien base - 3 Teams (Free for All)
Finished2.0.6.13229th January, 2018, 10:17 pm
  (H) AntonioPL vs   basickill6,   Nativ Kf62Ox,   ¿¿Bizacz
Alien base - 3 Teams (Free for All)
Finished2.0.6.13229th January, 2018, 9:32 pm
[OWN] Alien Base
  (HS) SERVER,   Bizacz vs   Nativ Kf62Ox vs   basickill6
Alien base - 3 Teams (Free for All)
Finished2.0.6.13229th January, 2018, 9:10 pm
  marszal1802,   (H) Shoot
New End - Cooperatio
Finished2.0.6.13229th January, 2018, 7:46 pm
  œMarszal vs   (H) Shoot
New End - Cooperatio
Finished2.0.6.13229th January, 2018, 7:40 pm
  (H) Shoot vs   œMarszal
Final Battle 2 - Cooperatio
Finished2.0.6.13229th January, 2018, 7:36 pm
  (H) Yiff Overdose,   Dawid :D
Streams and Greens - Nao's 1st Multiplayer
Finished2.0.6.13229th January, 2018, 7:31 pm
Majsterinho room
  (H) Majster,   filip
Alien base - Kill 'em all
Finished2.0.6.13229th January, 2018, 7:20 pm
Majsterinho room
  (H) Majster,   filip
Alien base - Kill 'em all
Finished2.0.6.13229th January, 2018, 7:16 pm
  (H) Shoot vs   œMarszal
Final Battle - Cooperatio
Finished2.0.6.13229th January, 2018, 6:27 pm
  (H) Default,   M45
Siberia - Kill 'em all
Finished2.0.6.13229th January, 2018, 5:10 pm
  (H) Default,   M45
Siberia - Kill 'em all
Finished2.0.6.13229th January, 2018, 5:06 pm
  Rahol vs   (H) Shoot vs   marszal1802
Flags - 4 Teams (Free for All)
Ongoing2.0.6.13229th January, 2018, 4:37 pm
[OWN] Alien Base CB
  (HS) SERVER vs   Lajka vs   Aragon
Alien base - 3 Teams (Free for All)
Ongoing2.0.6.13229th January, 2018, 4:35 pm
  (H) Shoot,   marszal1871
Battle lines - Last Team Standing
Finished2.0.6.13229th January, 2018, 4:07 pm
[OWN] Alien Base
  (HS) SERVER vs   Derfy vs   Prigorshna
Alien base - 3 Teams (Free for All)
Ongoing2.0.6.13229th January, 2018, 3:57 pm
  (H) Shoot,   marszal1872
Battle lines - One Team Army
Finished2.0.6.13229th January, 2018, 3:55 pm
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