Master Server

MasterKiller`s Matches

Steam Profile
Wins: 0 Loss: 0 Sync Loss: 0 Disconnects: 0 Errors: 0
wieczorek z OW 19:00
  Kamil,   Jopcio and arturc20,   MasterKiller vs   Thorgall,   ONR-Lewica,   Cenwen and TrusT vs   dDragon5flyd,   Livid
Flags - 4 Teams (Free for All)
Not Finished26th December, 2017, 6:17 pm
wieczorek z OW 19:00
  arturc20,   Cenwen and $ierpek and ONR-Lewica,   POLE POLE JA PIERDOL vs   Kamil,   TrusT and Jopcio,   Thorgall vs   dDragon5flyd,   Livid
Flags - 4 Teams (Free for All)
Not Finished26th December, 2017, 6:09 pm

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